To upgrade existing RAIDframe configurations:
 1) rebuild raidctl (don't overwrite your old one just yet, especially
if you intend on using it to unconfigure a RAID set before you
reboot... you'll need your old one for that, as the structures passed 
through the interface have changed a little in certain cases.)

 2) build a new kernel.  reboot using the new kernel.  From now on you
can use the new raidctl program.

 3) Since none of the existing components will have component labels,
you'll need to force the configuration with:

  raidctl -C rfconfig raid0

where 'rfconfig' is the name of your RAID config file, and 'raid0' is the 
device you're wanting to configure.  If you don't use '-C', the driver
will now refuse to configure the RAID set, as it won't find
appropriate values where the component labels should be.

Once the set has been configured you'll then need to do a:

  raidctl -I 12345 raid0

to put the initial component labels on the disk ('12345' is a serial
number that you supply).  To ensure that the clean bits will do their
jobs, you are then encouraged to initialize the parity on the set:

  raidctl -i raid0

(note that "-i" used to be "-r" -- this was one of the option letters
that changed).  You should now be ready to use the system normally.

 4) The next time you configure the system, 

  raidctl -c rfconfig raid0

should be sufficient.

(For those of you wondering: the component labels are written *outside* 
of the area where the real data/parity is written, but still exist 
within the component (much like disklabels).  The space was reserved 
for the labels *before* RAIDframe was added to the NetBSD source tree,
and already exists in any RAID sets you might have configured.  Thus
there is no need to change any component sizes in order to safely upgrade. )

Page last modified: March 2, 1999. Send comments to