Computing the Future Value of various things

Someday I'll give the formulae's I'm using in a "nice" form. For now, here they are:

    FVA = b*((1.0+(r/100.0)/12.0)**(n));

    FVIFA = a*((((1.0+(r/100.0)/12.0)**(n))-1.0)/((r/100.0)/12.0)); 

where The rate of return is calculated using:

    Worth = b*((1.0+(r/100.0)/12.0)**(n)) + 


where the value of "r" (the rate of return) is determined by trial and error.

Computing Monthly Mortgage Payments

The formulae to compute the montly mortgage payment is:

    Monthly Payment = t/((1.0-(1.0/((1.0+r)**(n))))/r);
