GI Logo Graphics Interface 2006
June 7-9, Quebec City, Canada
Invited Speakers  
Advance Program  
About Quebec City  
Call For Papers  
Paper Formatting  
Call for Posters and Demos  
Electronic Submission  
Submission Dates  
Graphics Papers: November 21  
HCI Papers: December 19  
Posters: April 30  
Conference: June 7-9  
Quebec City   
Preparing and submitting your camera-ready copy for GI 2006

(Go to formatting details.)


Note that these instructions are for final submission of accepted papers. The previous instructions on how to prepare a paper for review are here.

The Graphics Interface proceedings are printed directly from PDF files. The result is a high-quality printed proceedings and easier access to papers for everyone, since the electronic versions of the papers are also used for electronic archival and dissemination. However, a little extra work will be required from you, the authors---hopefully not too much, but read the following instructions carefully. Some of the following is not so much instructions as information to help you generate the best possible electronic submission.

Please note that we ask you to upload your paper twice, due to the different systems used by the associate editors and the production staff.

For each accepted full paper, we require:

By 19 March 2006:

  • A PDF version of your paper uploaded to the PCS system, for a final check by the conference committee.
  • Note that on the final submission form in the PCS system, you must enter a short summary of the revisions made to your paper. In this text box, please indicate how you have addressed each of the main concerns identified in the meta-review.

By 25 March 2006:

By 25 March 2006:

How to prepare your paper

IMPORTANT: GI 2006 will use a different set of macros and templates than was used in the original submission of papers. The new macros and templates are more compact and allow for more content per paper.

The new formatting guidelines are here, including macros for LaTeX and templates for Microsoft Word.

A page on how to prepare the PDF for optimal production is here.
NOTE that your PDF document must embed all fonts that it uses. For latex and MS Word instructions on how to create a PDF document with embedded fonts, please see this page. For pdflatex users, for instructions on how to configure your system to use embedded fonts, see the following document. If you can not configure your system to use embedded fonts with pdflatex, you will have to use LaTeX and follow the instructions for latex

How to submit the final review copy to the GI Web site

  1. Log on to
  2. Go to your "Submissions in Progress" page.
  3. Click on "Submit the final version".
  4. Fill out the form, including the PDF version of your paper and other files in the order requested.
  5. Click on the Submit button.
  6. Wait for the confirmation page. Follow the instructions on that page to verify that your paper has been uploaded correctly.

The program committee member responsible for your paper will check your final version to ensure that all formatting and revision requirements have been met. If issues remain, you may be asked to make further changes and resubmit.

How to submit the camera-ready copy to the IEEE VGTC Web site

You must also submit your camera-ready copy to the IEEE VGTC press for prepress and final printing. You may do this at the same time as you submit to the GI Web site. Detailed submission instructions are given on the upload page.

If your paper is longer than 8 pages: By default, the IEEE Web site will only accept papers up to 8 pages in length. If you wish to submit a paper longer than 8 pages, and have paid the extra page charges, send an email to giving your paper number and its page count. The IEEE editors will then set the Web site to accept your paper with its full number of pages.

Signing and sending the permission and release form

Graphics Interface has arranged with the ACM to make all GI 2006 papers available through the ACM Digital Library. This will give your work a worldwide audience, readily accessible using the Digital Library's search engine.

You will retain copyright to your paper, but must declare to the ACM that you have received permission to reprint any material whose copyright is held by others. You must print out, sign, and return the Permission and Release Form in order for your paper to be included in the GI Proceedings. The form should be sent to:

Torsten Möller
Attention: GI 2006
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada

Departmental phone (for couriers): (604) 291-4277
Personal phone (for inquiries): (604) 291-3774
Fax: (604) 291-3045

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