All members of the lab deserve equal respect and recognition. Everyone, regardless of experience level, has valuable insights to contribute. Professional conduct during work hours is expected, which includes:
Helping others in the lab, sharing experiences, and troubleshooting resources that may be helpful to other members is encouraged. Collaboration within the lab and with other members of the scientific community enriches everyone’s experiences and elevates the quality of your work; be open to suggestions. All questions are good questions. Questions are a normal part of the learning process.
Exclusionary comments or jokes, threats, or violent language are not acceptable. Do not address others in an angry, intimidating, or demeaning manner. When speaking to or about others, make yourself aware of their preferred pronouns and do not deliberately misgender others. Be considerate of the ways the words you choose may impact others. Offensive behaviour or comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or a person’s lifestyle choices and practices are not welcome in the lab. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about this, please discuss with Mark.
This includes unwanted physical, sexual, or repeated social contact. Consent is not implied, and if you are unsure whether your behaviour towards another person is welcome, ask them. If someone tells you to stop, do so promptly. Respect the privacy and safety of others. Do not take photographs of others without their permission. Posting or threatening to post personally identifying information of others without their consent is a form of harassment.
In group meetings, keep comments succinct to allow engagement by all participants. Do not interrupt others on the basis of disagreement; hold such comments until they have finished speaking. Be considerate of dietary restrictions, familial obligations, religious observances etc.
If you see something inappropriate happening, a gentle reminder about the Code of Conduct is a productive response. If you believe a situation requires further intervention please feel welcome to approach Mark, a member of the departmental office staff, the graduate chair of the department, or a member of human resources.