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Zapata-Rivera, J.D., & Greer, J. (2003). Interacting with Bayesian Student Models. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. (accepted Oct, 2002, to appear), 30 journal pages.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., & Greer, J. (2003). Inspectable Bayesian Student Modelling Servers in Multi-Agent Tutoring Systems. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, . (accepted December, 2002, to appear) 32 manuscript pages

Bull, S., Greer, J. & McCalla, G. (2003) The Caring Personal Agent. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. (accepted Nov, 2002, to appear), 13 journal pages.

Vassileva, J., McCalla, G., and Greer, J. Multi-Agent Multi-User Modelling in I-Help, User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction, 2003, 13(1) 179-210.

Thomson, J., Greer, J., and Cooke, J. The Automatic Generation of Instructional Hypermedia with APHID. Interacting with Computers Journal

Greer, J.E. and Bull, S. (2000) "Computer Support for Collaboration in Medical Education", Journal of Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 23(4) 270-274.

McCalla, G. (submitted) The Fragmentation of Culture, Learning, Teaching and Technology: Implications for the Artificial Intelligence in Education Research Agenda in 2010, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education(2000).

Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Collins, J.A., Kumar, V.S., Meagher, P. and Vassileva, J.I. Supporting Peer Help and Collaboration in Distributed Workplace Environments, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (V. 9, 1998, 159-177).

Arruarte, A., Fernandez-Castro, I., and Greer, J.E. "The IRIS shell: how to build ITSs from pedagogical and design requisites" International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, accepted June, 1997 (Vol. 8 1997, 341-381).

Thomson, J., Cooke, J.E. and Greer, J.E. "The MicroWeb toolkit: Bringing the WWW to the classroom" Journal of Computers in the Social Studies, 4(5), July-Aug, 1997, (On-line journal ).

Arruarte, A., Fernandez-Castro, I., and Greer, J.E. "The CLAI model: a cognitive theory of instruction to guide ITS development" Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 7(3), 1996, 277-314

Bhuiyan, S. H., Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. "Supporting the Learning of Recursive Problem Solving" Interactive Learning Environments, 4(2),1994, 115-139.

Greer, J.E., Falk, S., Greer, K.J., and Bentham, M. "Explaining and Justifying Recommendations in an Agricultural Decision Support System" Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 11,1995, 195-214.

Mark, M. A. and Greer, J. E. "The VCR Tutor: Effective Instruction for Device Operation" Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4, 1995, 209-246.

Mark, M. A. and Greer, J. E. "Evaluation Methods for Intelligent Tutoring Systems" Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 4, 1993, 129-153.

Gadwal, D., Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. "Tutoring Bishop-Pawn Endgames: An Experiment in Using Knowledge-Based Chess as a Domain for Intelligent Tutoring" Applied Intelligence, 3, 19 93, 207-224.

McCalla, G. I. & Greer, J. E. "Granularity Hierarchies" Computers and Mathematics with Applications: Special Issue on Semantic Networks, 23, 1992, 363-376.

Huang, X., McCalla, G. I., Greer, J. E. & Neufeld, E. "Revising Deductive Knowledge and Sterotypical Knowledge in a Student Model" User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction, 1(1), 1991, 87-115.


D. Zapata-Rivera, C. Brooks, L. Kettel, J. Greer. (2003) Integrating Legacy Educational Application in Modern E-Learning Environments. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn 2003). Nov. 7 – 11, 2003. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

P. Mohan, and C. Brooks. (2003) Engineering a Future for Web-based Learning Objects. Proceedings of International Conference on Web Engineering, Jul. 14 – Jul. 18, 2003. Oviedo, Asturias, Spain.

C. Brooks, J. Cooke, J. Vassileva. (2003) Versioning of Learning Objects. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Jul. 7 – Jul. 14, 2003. Athens, Greece.

P. Mohan, and C. Brooks. (2003) Learning Objects on the Semantic Web. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Jul. 7 – Jul. 14, 2003. Athens, Greece.

Cao, Y. & Greer, J. (2003) Agent Programmability in a Multi-Agent Learning Environment. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2003, Sydney, Australia, 8pp. (accepted Feb, 2003, to appear).

Cao, Y. & Greer, J. (2003) Supporting Awareness to Facilitate Collaborative Learning in an Online Learning Environment. International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCL 2003, Bergen, Norway, 5pp. (accepted Feb, 2003, to appear).

Mohan, P. & Greer, J. (2003) E-Learning Specifications in the Context of Instructional Planning. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2003, Sydney, Australia, 8pp. (accepted Feb, 2003, to appear).

Mohan, P. & Greer, J. (2003) Reusable Learning Objects: Current Status and Future Directions, EdMedia 2003, Honolulu, 8pp. (accepted Jan, 2003, to appear).

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., & Greer, J. (2003). Student Model Accuracy using Inspectable Bayesian Student Models. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2003, Sydney, Australia, 8pp. (accepted Feb, 2003, to appear).

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., & Greer, J. (2003). Analysing Student Reflection in The Learning Game International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2003, Workshop on Learner Reflection, Sydney, Australia, 8pp. (accepted May, 2003, to appear).

Mohan, P., Greer, J. & McCalla, G. (2003) Instructional Planning with Learning Objects. IJCAI 2003 Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for E-Learning Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, 7 pp. (accepted April, 2003, to appear).

Zapata-Rivera, J.D. & Greer, J.E. Visualizing and Inspecting Bayesian Belief Models. Workshop on Effective Interactive AI Resources at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, August, 2001, 6pp.

Bull, S., Greer, J., McCalla, G., Kettel, L. User Modelling in I-Help: What, Why, When and How, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on User Modeling, UM'2001, Sonthofen, Germany, July 2001 (accepted).

Kumar V.S., McCalla G.I., Greer J.E. Personalized Contexts in Help Systems. Proceedings of AI'2001 - Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference, Ottawa, May, 2001, 162-171.

McCalla, G., Greer J., Vassileva J., Deters R., Bull S., Kettel L. Lessons Learned in Deploying a Multi-Agent Learning Support System: The I-Help Experience, Proceedings of the International Conference on AI and Education, AIED'2001, San Antonio, TX, May, 2001, 410-421.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D. & Greer, J.E. SMODEL Server: Student Modelling in Distributed Multi-Agent Tutoring Systems Experience, Proceedings of the International Conference on AI and Education, AIED'2001, San Antonio, TX, May, 2001, 446-455.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D. & Greer, J.E. Externalising Learner Modelling Representations. Workshop on External Representations in AIED at the International Conference on AI and Education, AIED'2001, San Antonio, TX, May, 2001, 6pp.

Bull, S., Greer, J., McCalla, G., Kettel, L. Help Seeking in an Asynchronous Help Forum, Workshop on Help Provision and Help Seeking in Interactive Learning Environments at the International Conference on AI and Education, AIED'2001, San Antonio, TX, May, 2001, 8pp.

Kumar V.S., Greer J.E., McCalla G.I. Pedagogy in Peer-supported Helpdesks. Proceedings of KBCS-2000 - International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems, Mumbai, India, M Sasikumar, Durgesh D Rao, P Ravi Prakash (editors) Allied Publishers, New Delhi, December, 2000, 205 - 216.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., Greer, J.E., "An XML-Based Tool for Building and Using Conceptual Maps in Education and Training Environments", International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan, November, 2000, 755-762.

Bull, S. and Greer, J. "Peer Help for Sufferers of Problem-Based Learning", International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan, November, 2000, 1007-1015.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., Greer, J.E., "An XML-Based Tool for Building and Using Conceptual Maps in Education and Training Environments", International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan, November, 2000, to appear.

Bull, S. and Greer, J. "Peer Help for Sufferers of Problem-Based Learning", International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan, November, 2000, to appear.

McCalla, G.I., Vassileva, J.I., Greer, J.E., Bull, S. Active Learner Modelling, International Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS'2000), Montreal, June, 2000, 53-62.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., Greer, J.E., Inspecting and Visualizing Distributed Bayesian Student Models, International Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS'2000), Montreal, June, 2000, 544-553.

Bowes, J., Neufeld, E., Greer, J.E., Cooke, J.E. A Comparison of Association Rule Discovery and Bayesian Network Causal Inference Algorithms to Discover Relationships in Discrete Data, Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI'2000), Montreal, May, 2000, 326-336.

Thomson, J., Cooke, J., and Greer, J. The Automatic Generation of Instructional Web Sites Using XML and XSLT. XML2000-Scandinavia Conference Proceedings, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2000, Section 11, 1-11.

Thomson, J., Greer, J., and Cooke, J. Generating Instructional Hypermedia with APHID. Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, San Antonio, U.S.A., June 2000, 248-249. (Short Paper)

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., Neufeld, E., Greer, J.E., Inspecting and Visualizing Distributed Bayesian Student Models IEEE Visualization '99, Palo Alto, December, 1999, 85-88. (Short Paper)Kumar, V.S., McCalla, G.I. and Greer. J.E. (1999) "Helping the Peer Helper" Proceedings of the International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France, (8 pp. accepted March 2, 1999).

Kumar, V.S., McCalla, G.I. and Greer. J.E. (1999) "Helping the Peer Helper" Proceedings of the International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France, 325-332.

Vassileva J., Greer J., McCalla G., Deters R., Mudgal C. Zapata D., Grant S. (1999) A Multi-Agent Design of a Peer-Help Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France, 38-45.

Kettel, L., Thomson, J. and Greer, J. Generating Individualized Hypermedia Applications, Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia, International Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS'2000), Montreal, June, 2000, 28-36.

Greer, J., Bull, S., and Agarwal, P. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Medical Education, Workshop on Cognitive- and Social-Science Foundations for Medical Education and Training in the Information Age, Victoria, February, 2000, 15 pp.

Zapata-Rivera, J.D., and Greer, J., Supporting Collaboration with Acting Coach Agents, International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, San Francisco, October, 1999, 4pp.

Greer, J.E., Zapata-Rivera, J.D, Ong-Scutchings, C. and Cooke, J.E. (1999) "Visualization of Bayesian Learner Models" Workshop on Open, Interactive, and Other Overt Approaches to Learner Modelling, International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France,(5 pp.).

Vassileva, J.I., Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I. (1999) "Openness and Disclosure in Multi-agent Learner Models" Workshop on Open, Interactive, and Other Overt Approaches to Learner Modelling, International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France, (7 pp.).

C. Mudgal, J. Vassileva (to appear) An influence diagram model for multi-agent negotiation, to appear in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems ICMAS'2000. Boston, July 2000.

McCalla G, Vassileva G., Greer J., Bull, S. (to appear) Active Learner Modelling, to appear in Proceedings of ITS'2000, Montreal, June 2000.

C. Mudgal, J. Vassileva (to appear) Multi-agent negociation to support an economy for online help and tutoring, to appear in Proceedings of ITS'2000, Montreal, June 2000.

J. Bowes, E. Neufeld, J. Greer, J. Cooke. A Comparison of Association Rule Discovery and Bayesian Network Causal Inference Algorithms to Discover Relationships in Discrete Data, to appear in Proceedings of AI'2000, Montreal, May 2000.

Vassileva J., Greer J., McCalla G., Deters R., Mudgal C. Zapata D., Grant S. (1999) A Multi-Agent Design of a Peer-Help Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France, (8 pp.)

Kumar, V.S., McCalla, G.I. and Greer. J.E. (1999) "Helping the Peer Helper" Proceedings of the International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France.

Mike Winter and Gord McCalla, (1999) The Emergence of Student Models from an Analysis of Ethical Decision Making in a Scenario-Based Learning Environment. To appear in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on User Modelling, UM99, J Kay (Ed.), Springer Wien New York, pp. 265-274

Kumar V.S., McCalla G.I., Greer J.E. User Modelling in Peer Help Networks (Doctoral Consortium). International Conference on User Modeling, Banff, Canada . June, 1999 (to appear) .

Greer, J.E., Zapata-Rivera, J.D, Ong-Scutchings, C. and Cooke, J.E. (1999) "Visualization of Bayesian Learner Models" Workshop on Open, Interactive, and Other Overt Approaches to Learner Modelling, International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France.

Winter, Mike (1999) The Role of Trust and Security Mechanisms in an Agent-Based Peer-Help Environment, Autonomous Agents '99, Workshop on Deception, Trust, and Fraud in Agent Societies, Seattle WA, 139-149

Mudgal, C. & Vassileva, J. (1999) Negotiation among Agents in a Multi-Agent Environment Supporting Peer-Help: a Decision-Theoretic Approach. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents for Electronic Commerce and Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain, held in association with the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents '99), Seattle, May 1-5, 1999.

Kostuik, K. & Vassileva, J. (1999) Free Market Control for a Multi-Agent Based Peer Help Environment. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents for Electronic Commerce and Managing the Internet-Enabled Supply Chain, held in association with the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents '99), Seattle, May 1-5, 1999.

Deters R. (1999) Achieving Dependability in a System Consisting of Autonomous Agents. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Autonomy Control Software, held in association with the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents '99), Seattle, May 1-5, 1999, pp. 18-24.

Vassileva, J.I., Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I. (1999) "Openness and Disclosure in Multi-agent Learner Models" Workshop on Open, Interactive, and Other Overt Approaches to Learner Modelling, International Conference on AI in Education, Lemans, France.

Vassileva, J, Greer, J., McCalla, G., Deters R., Zapata, D., Mudgal, C., Kumar, V., Bowes, J. Integrating Cognitive Tools for Peer Help:the Intelligent Intranet Peer Help-Desk Project. TeleLearning Networks of Centres of Excellence Conference, November, 1998. (Best Poster Award)

Kumar, V., Greer,V., McCalla, G., Software Tools to Support Peer Helpers. TeleLearning Networks of Centres of Excellence Conference, November, 1998. (Poster)

Vassileva, J.I., Deters, R., Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Kumar, V.S., Mudgal, C. A Multi-Agent Architecture for Peer-Help in a University Course, Workshop on Pedagogical Agents, InternationalIntelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS'98), San Antonio, August, 1998.

Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Cooke, J.E., Collins, J., Kumar, V.S., Bishop, A. and Vassileva, J.I. The Intelligent Helpdesk: Supporting Peer-Help in a University Course,International Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS'98), San Antonio, August, 1998.

Vassileva J. (1998) Goal-Based Autonomous Social Agents Supporting Adaptation and Teaching in a Distributed Environment, in Proceedings of ITS'98, San Antonio, Texas.

Thomson, J., Greer, J.E. and Cooke, J.E. "Algorithmically Detectable Design Patterns for Hypermedia Collections", First International Workshop on Hypermedia Development, Pittsburgh, June, 1998.

Greer, J.E. & Philip, T. "Guided Navigation Through Hyperspace Eighth World" Workshop on Web-based AI-Ed Applications, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-Ed'97), Kobe, Japan, August, 1997, 38-43.

Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Kumar, V.S., Collins, J.A., Meagher, P. "Facilitating Collaborative Learning in Distributed Organizations", Second International Conferene on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Toronto, December, 1997, 73-82.

Palthepu, S., Greer, J.E. and McCalla, G. "Cliche Recognition in Legacy Software: A Scalable Knowledge-Based Approach", 4th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'97), Amsterdam, November, 1997, 94-103.

McCalla, G.I., Greer, J.E., Kumar, V.S., Collins, J.A., Meagher, P. Tkatch, R. & Parkinson, B. "A Peer Help System for Workplace Training" Proceedings of the Eighth World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-Ed'97), Kobe, Japan, August, 1997, 183-190.

Bishop, A., Greer, J.E. and Cooke, J.E. "Proxy servers and databases for managing web-based education", Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Conference, Calgary, June, 1997, 172-178.

Collins, J.A., Greer, J.E., Kumar, V.S., McCalla, G.I., Meagher, P. and Tkatch, R. "Inspectable User Models for Just-In-Time Workplace Training", Proceedings of the International Conference on User Modelling, June, 1997, 327-337. (winner of distinguished paper prize).

Thomson, J., Greer, J.E. and Cooke, J.E. "The Co-operative Peer Response system: CPR for students", Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Conference, Calgary, June, 1997, 1239-1244.

Palthepu, S., McCalla, G. and Greer, J.E. "Human-Centered Tools for Knowledge-Based Software Reverse Engineering" International Conference on Knowledge-Based Computer Systems (KBCS-96), Mumbai, India, December, 1996, 7-18.

Thomson, J., Cooke, J.E. and Greer, J.E. "The MicroWeb toolkit: Bringing the WWW to the classroom" WebNet-96--World Conference of the Web Society, San Francisco, October, 1996 445-450.

Rahilly, T.J., Saroyan, A., Lajoie, S.P., Greer, J.E. and Fleiszer, D. "The InforMed Professor: Clinical instruction of breast disease diagnosis and management" International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engine ering, San Sebastian, Spain, July, 1996 (to appear). 8 pp

Collins, J.A., Greer, J.E. and Huang, S.X. "Adaptive Assessment Using Granularity Hierarchies and Bayesian Nets" International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96), Montreal, June, 1996, pp. 569-577.

McCalla, G., Searwar, F., Thomson, J., Collins, J., Sun, Y., Zhou, B. "Analogical user modelling: a case study in individualized information filtering" International Conference on User Mo deling. Hawaii, U.S.A. 1996.

Lajoie, S., Greer, J.E., Munsie, S., Wilkie, T., Guerrara, C., and Aleong, P. "Establishing an Argumentation Environment to Foster Scientific Reasoning with Bio-World" International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Singapore, December, 1995, pp. 89-96. (winner of outstanding paper award)

Ramanujapuram, A. and Greer, J.E. "A Hybrid Object Clustering Strategy for Lrge Knowledge-Based Systems", IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, New Orleans, February, 1996, pp. 247-256.

Bentham, M. and Greer, J.E. "Conflict Resolution Among Heterogeneous Reusable Agents in the PARI DSS" International Conference on Multi-Objective Decision Support Systems, Hawaii, July, 1995.

Price, B.R., McCalla, G.I. & Greer, J.E. "Combining Scaffolding and Diagnosis in a Distributed Tutoring System" East-West Conference on Computer Technologies in Education (EW-ED'94), Crimea, Ukraine, September, 1994, 189-194.

Koehn, G.M. & Greer, J.E. "Recognizing Plans in Instructional Systems Using Granularity" Proceedings of the International Conference on User Modelling, Cape Cod, MA, August, 1994, 13 3-138.

Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Price, B.R. & Holt, P. "Supporting the Learning of Recursion at a Distance" EdMedia'94, Vancouver, June 1994, 652.

Greer, J. E., Koehn, G., and Rodriguez, J. R. "A System for Exploring Plan Recognition" Proce edings of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 1993, 465-472.

Greer, K. J., Greer, J. E., and Bentham, M. "Explaining and Justifying Recommendations in an Agricultural Decision Support System" Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture, Washington, July, 1993, 6 pp.

McCalla, G. I., Greer, J. E. & Coulman, R. "Enhancing the Robustness of Model-Based Recognition" Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on User Modeling, Schlosh Dagstuhl, Germany, August, 1992, 240-248.

Arora, V., Greer, J. E., and Tremblay, J. P. "A Granularity-Based Architecture for Capturing and Representing Design Rationale" Proceedings of the Computer-Aided Software Engineering Conference (CASE '92), Montreal, July, 1992.

Gutwin, C. and McCalla, G.I., "Would I Lie to You? Modelling Misrepresentation and Context in Dialogue", Proc. 30th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, U. of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, June 1992, pp. 152-158.

Gutwin, C. and McCalla, G.I., "The Use of Pedagogic Misrepresentation in Tutorial Dialogue", Proc. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 92), Montreal, June 1992, pp. 507-514.

Huang, X. and McCalla, G.I., "Instructional Planning Using Focus of Attention", Proc. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 92), Montreal, June 1992, pp. 443-450.

Bhuiyan, S., Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. "Learning Recursion Through the Use of a Mental Model-Based Programming Environment" Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Second International Conference), Springer Verlag, June, 1992, 50-57.

Kurup, M., Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. "The Fawlty Article Tutor" Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Second International Conference), Springer Verlag, June, 1992, 84-91.

Mohan, P. Greer, J. E. and Jones, M. L. "Enhancing the Instructional Capabilities of Intelligent Tutoring Systems" Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Second International Conference), Springer Verlag, June, 1992, 532-539.

Mark, M. A. and Greer, J. E. "Methods for Intelligent Tutoring System Evaluation" Proceedings of the East West Conference on Emerging Computer Technologies in Education, Moscow, April, 1992, 204-210. (Received conference best paper award)

McCalla, G.I. and Greer, J., "Helping Novices Learn Recursion: Giving Granularity-Based Advice on Strategies and Providing Support at the Mental Model Level", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cognitive Models and Intelligent Envi ronments for Learning Programming, Genoa, Italy, March 1992, 57-71.

Gadwal, D., Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. "UMRAO: A Chess Endgame Tutor" Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Sydney, Australia, August, 1991, 1081-1086.

Du, Z. and McCalla, G. I. "A Case-B ased Mathematics Instructional Planner", Proc. International Conference on the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University, August 1991, pp. 122-129.

Huang, X., McCalla, G. I., and Neufeld, E. "Using Attention in Belief Revision", Proc. 9th Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Anaheim, California, July 1991, pp. 275-280.

Baril, D., Greer, J. E. and McCalla,G. I. "Student Modelling with Confluences" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference, Anaheim, California, July, 1991, 43-48.

Mark, M. A. & Greer, J. E. "The VCR Tutor: Evaluating Instructional Effectiveness", Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, August, 1991.

Other Refereed

Greer, J.E. & Philip, T. "Guided Navigation Through Hyperspace Eighth World" Workshop on Web-based AI-Ed Applications, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-Ed'97), Kobe, Japan, August, 1997, (refereed workshop paper, 6pp).

Greer, J.E. & McCalla, G.I. "Dimensions of User Modelling in Real-World Use" User Models in the Real World Workshop, International Conference on User Modelling, June, 1997 (refereed workshop paper, 3 typeset pages).

McCalla, G.I., "Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology: A Natural Synergy", Proc. of Ed-Media 94: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, June 1994, pp. 47-49 (invited)

Greer, J.E. "The Place for Artificial Intelligence in Simulation-Based Learning" Workshop on Simulation-Based Learning Technology, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96), Montreal, June, 1996, p p. 1-6.

Palthepu, S., McCalla, G.I., and Greer, J.E. "Granularity in Reverse Engineering", IJCAI Workshop on AI and Software Engineering, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August, 1995.

Greer, J.E. and Koehn, G.M. "The Peculiarities of Plan Recognition for Intelligent Tutoring Systems" IJCAI Plan Recognition Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August, 1995.

McCalla, G. I. & Greer, J. E., Gadwal, D.and Coulman R. "Granularity-Based Student Modelling and Plan Recognition" IJCAI Workshop on Agent Modelling, August, 1991, 144-148.

Books and Book Chapters

Greer, J.E., McCalla, G.I., Cooke, J.E., Collins,J.A., Kumar, V.S., Bishop, A.S., Vassileva, J.I. "Integrating Cognitive Tools for Peer Help: the Intelligent IntraNet Peer Help-Desk Project" in S. Lajoie (Ed.) Computers as Cognitive Tools: The Next Generation, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000, 69-96.

McCalla, G.I. (ed.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of AI96, the 11th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1081, Springer, Berlin, 1996, 457pp.

Jonassen, D. and McCalla, G.I. (eds.), Proceedings of ICCE95, the International Conference on Computers in Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1995, 688pp.

McCalla, G.I., "Student Modelling: A Crucible for Research", in T.T. Liao (ed.) Advanced Educational Technology: Research Issues and Future Potential, Springer, Berlin, 1995, pp. 149-164.

McCalla, G.I. and Greer, J.E. "Learning about Programming" in T.W. Chan and J.A. Self (Eds), Emerging Computer Technologies in Education, Charlottesville VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1995, 243-260.

McCalla, G.I., "Tutorial Dialogue", in T. W. Chan and J. A. Self (eds.) Emerging Computer Technologies in Education, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1995, pp. 97-111.

Greer, J. E. and McCalla, G. I. (eds.) Student Models: The Key to Individualized Educational Systems, New York: Springer Verlag, 1994.

McCalla, G.I. and Greer, J.E. "Granularity-Based Reasoning and Belief Revision in Student Models" Student Models: The Key to Individualized Educational Systems, J. Greer and G. McCalla (eds.), New York: Springer Verlag, 1994, 39-62.

Holt, P., Dubbs, S., Jones, M. and Greer, J.E. "The State of Student Modelling" Student Models: The Key to Individualized Educational Systems, J. Greer and G. McCalla (eds.), New York: Springer Verlag, 1994, 1-35.

McCalla, G, I. and Greer, J.E. "Two and One-Half Approaches to Helping Novices Learn Recursion" Cognitive Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning Programming E. Lemut (ed), Springer Verlag, 1993, 185-197.

Frasson, C., Gauthier, G., and McCalla, G.I. (eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, ITS-92, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 608, Berlin Heidelberg, 1992, 686 pp.

Jones, M.L., Greer, J.E., Mandinach, E., DuBoulay, B., and Goodyear, P. "Synthesizing Instructional and Computational Science" Foundations and Frontiers of Adaptive Learning Environments M. Jones and P.H. Winne (eds), Springer Verlag, Invited, 1992, 383-401.

Greer, J.E. and Mandinach, E. Three preface chapters: "Models of Students' Metacognition, Motivation, and Learning Strategies", "Curriculum: Planning the Content of Instruction" and "Environments to Support Learning" Foundations and Frontiers of Adaptive Learning Environments M. Jones and P.H. Winne (eds), Springer Verlag, Invited, 1992, 85-90, 147-154, 249-256.

McCalla, G.I., "Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Navigating the Rocky Road to Success", in E. Scanlon and T. O'Shea (eds.), New Directions in Educational Technology, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 107-122. (NATO ARW)

McCalla, G.I., "The Centrality of Student Modelling to Intelligent Tutoring", in E. Costa (ed.), New Directions for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 107-134. (NATO ARW)

McCalla, G.I., "The Search for Adaptability, Flexibility, and Individualization: Approaches to Curriculum in Intelligent Tutoring Systems", in M. Jones and P. H. Winne (eds.), Foundations and Frontiers of Adaptive Learning Environments, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 91-122. (NATO ASI)

McCalla, G.I. and Wasson, B.J., "Negotiated Tutoring Needs Student Modelling and Instructional Planning: Arguments and Experiences from the Perspective of the SCENT Project", in R. Moyse and M. Elsom-Cook, Knowledge Negotiation, Academic Press, Londo n, 1992, pp. 41-68.