
CS Origin Stories: Nate Osgood

Did you know that Microsoft uses the term "an Osgood" to measure the depth of dents?

Starting out as an archaeologist, Nate flipped his career path upside down when he decided to enrol at MIT.  While completing his BSc, MSc, and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, he spent his summers at Microsoft working as a Software Engineer. Join us as Nate recounts his journey and explains how the term "an Osgood" came to be. 


When: Wednesday, October 16, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Where: Arts 241
Note: Attendance will count towards CMPT 990 credit for Computer Science graduate students. 

Everyone is welcome to attend - students, staff/faculty, or general public. You don't need to be from Computer Science to enjoy these presentations.

Your path in life isn't always linear. Even our award-winning professors didn't always know where life was going to take them. 

CS Origin Stories is a new speaker series designed to give students an inside look at their professors' backstories. Attend these talks to hear the long, and sometimes winding, road that led our profs to where they are today. 
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