The WellPlayed Project is coming to Spinks

The WellPlayed Project, in partnership with the Movember Foundation, is hosting its next online video game event on Sunday 6 October. The focus is on casual gaming and you can be matched in a squad of like-minded players or form your own squad to play Brawlhalla and Apex Legends.

It’s quick to register and the WellPlayed team have made it easy to be
matched or form a squad. It’s also a great way to introduce friends to
online gameplay, with how-to guides and game-ready info on the

If you’d like some game tips before they play, WellPlayed’s esports
coaches will be streaming an Apex Legends expert game tutorial
immediately prior to the event.

Play from home or book a free game-ready computer and join the event
at the University of Saskatchewan—there’s a booking link on the
website with limited computer spots up for grabs!

Prize give-aways! WellPlayed is giving away 25 Valve Family and
Friends game keys as part of the October event PLUS every time you
register and play in a WellPlayed event across 2019 you’ll go into the
draw to win your choice of an XBOX One X or Playstation 4 Pro console
– head to our website for more details.

Find out more and register for the event at