The Software Research Lab

The Software Research lab is devoted to the study of "big software." Their work encompasses all stages of the software development cycle, from designing and studying programming languages that facilitate large-scale software projects to tools for visualizing and understanding software and supporting its continual evolution and maintenance.

Notable Accomplishments

Researchers in Software Laboratory have expertise and research interests in a variety of topics such as software engineering, biomedical imaging, health research and programming languages. They are well regarded in the research community and have a significant number of publications, recognitions and awards.

Current Research Projects

  • Software maintenance and evolution
    • Clone detection, visualization and analysis
    • Testing
    • Source transformation
    • Empirical software engineering and program comprehension
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming environments, design and coding styles


  • Dr. Kevin Schneider
  • Dr. Chanchal Roy
  • Dr. Nathaniel Osgood
  • Dr. Christopher Dutchyn
  • Dr. Banani Roy
  • Dr. Zadia Codabux