CS Origin Stories: Regan Mandryk

In honour of International Women's Day, Regan Mandryk will be sharing her origin story with us.

Regan Mandryk's parents were children of farming immigrants and lived in poverty on the Canadian prairies, and now she is a global leader in human-computer interaction research (although she's really bad at handling money). Come hear about how Regan's context shaped her path from kid with great 80s hair in Winnipeg, through bohemian student life in Vancouver, to research leader in Saskatoon. She will emphasize the need for courage in: dealing with failure, handling critique and rejection, not fitting in, defying stereotypes, managing success, leading others, and rocking that 80s hair.

Date: Monday, March 9

Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm 

Location: Biology 106

This presentation is open to anyone and everyone! Refreshments will be available so make sure to arrive a few minutes early to get settled before the presentation starts. 

Graduate students who sign in will receive credit for a CMPT 990 seminar.