Dr. Raymond Spiteri (PhD) (Photo: Kristen McEwen)

College of Arts and Science faculty recognized for significant research impact

Dr. Raymond Spiteri received the 2024 Distinguished Scholar Award from the College of Arts and Science. This award is presented in recognition of outstanding research, scholarly and artistic work.

Dr. Raymond (Ray) Spiteri (PhD) is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and an associate faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. He is the 2024 recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award.

Spiteri is an expert in numerical analysis, scientific computing and software, and high-performance computing. He has been a faculty member in the College of Arts and Science since 2004. Throughout his career, Spiteri has published more than 140 peer-review articles and received approximately $7.2 million in funding for research projects he has led and co-led. He has advised 37 graduate students, 22 undergraduate students, 21 postdoctoral fellows and 32 Mitacs projects.

Spiteri’s research has made a significant impact in his research areas over the years. In 1997, Spiteri published a paper titled, Implicit-explicit Runge-Knutta methods for time-dependent partial differential equations. This publication has been cited more than 1,300 times and cited in several books. The methods Spiteri outlined are often used by the US Department of Energy, the US Department of Defense and NASA. He has also created industrial strength, user-friendly software used across industries internationally.

He is highly sought-after to collaborate on local, national and international research projects at various agencies, including Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Los Alamos National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Labs in the United States, and the Simula Research Laboratory in Norway.

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